The Viora Reaction™ offers multiple treatment applications for the industry’s most-wanted aesthetic treatments:
The Viora Reaction™ is a new generation in body contouring & skin tightening treatments.
Reaction™ combines the mechanism of advanced RF energy and vacuum therapy that work with the body’s natural regeneration process to deliver safe and efficient treatments for:
CORE™ empowers Reaction™ with the ability to deliver safe and effective treatments with superior treatment control, precision targeting and broader dermal penetration for maximum results in minimal time.
Simultaneously, the unique vacuum therapy maximizes the penetration of RF energy in the treatment area and also increases local blood circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage and assists in the shrinkage of fat cell volume.
The Viora Reaction™ is suitable for all skin types. Candidates who are looking to reduce the appearance of cellulite, who have lost weight and looking to contour and tighten skin, who want a more youthful appearance around their face or neck are all candidates for this safe and painless procedure. Schedule a consultation today if you are looking for a safe, non-surgical alternative.
During the treatment, a gel is applied to the treatment area and a hand piece is used to transmit the radiofrequency energy over the treatment areas. You may feel a warming sensation with each pass of the hand piece. Temperature of the skin is closely monitored to create the reaction needed to achieve the skin tightening results. Each treatment takes about 15-30 minutes. For effective results, 3-8 treatments scheduled 2-3 weeks apart are recommended, depending on the level of correction needed. One maintenance treatment is recommended 4-6 months after completion of the treatment plan. The Viora Reaction™ is safe and painless, no downtime is required.
It relaxes muscles up the upper face, around the mouth and neck to treat dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles that occur with expressions or muscle contractions), Crow's Feet (the side of the eyes that wrinkle when you smile), Corrugators (the furrow between the brows that make one look angry), Forehead, Neck, and Masseter Muscles.
Treatment to reduce the volume of the masseter to reduce the volume thereby achieving a more feminine appearance. Turning a square jaw (masculine trait) to an inverted triangle appearance (feminine).
Other noted benefits to Botulinum toxin treatments include: Migraine headache resolution, Improvement in depression symptoms, and Improvement of chronic pain in chronic pain sufferers.
Botox is injected around the area of concern to reduce the appearance fine lines. Botox procedure lasts approximately 15-30 minutes. There may be mild redness at the site of injection, bruising may occur. There is no downtime for this procedure. People return to work and normal activities immediately after. The only thing to remember post-injection is that you should not drink alcohol, exercise vigorously. You will see results appear within days, often as soon as 2-3 days but sometimes up to 10 days. By 2 weeks time, nearly all people have achieved optimal results. Your appearance will return to normal after the treatment wears off. Botox lasts 3-4 months in an average person.